The Secret to Being Beautiful

Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today’s post is on what I believe constitutes TRUE beauty…


So I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and I definitely agree with this. But I also feel that society tends to set a standard of beauty that we all, especially women, are pressured to aspire toward.


Those who may feel that they miss the mark, often times begin considering themselves “less-than”, developing low self-esteem. They may even begin comparing themselves to others saying, “If only I looked like her, was shaped like her, had hair like hers, etcetera, THEN I would be beautiful.” Even I have fallen prey to this.


I just want to encourage you if you are reading this today to be your own kind of beautiful, not allowing society’s cookie-cutter ideal to validate who you are. If you focus on developing your inner beauty, your outer beauty will become just a decoration, an ornament to the beauty you ALREADY have.


I believe that true beauty lies beneath the surface and radiates through, and this is the best kind of beauty to obtain.


Until next time,

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